We take a Common Sense approach to online marketing.
If you want more sales, it is as simple as 1,2,3...

web design, website design, Palm Coast, Daytona Beach

#1 - Your Website - This is Your Foundation!

Your website represents who you are and what you do! So, don’t go cheap!

Not only should your website look great and professional, it needs to be a high quality, optimized website for ranking purposes. Afterall, it is your online store.  It needs to be attractive, informative, fast loading and represent who you are. Show what products and services you are offering and why you are their best option.  You don’t want a DIY web design because it represents the quality of your business.  This is not an area for shortcuts.  If you were opening a retail store or restaurant, it needs to look great in order to attract shoppers.  Spring Special

Spring Special

$175/MO. Website & Includes our Happy Customer Reviews App

Got Questions? We Have Answers!

(386) 263-2078

Google Business Profile

This graph represents the top10 (20 on page) listed on the local Google search. You can see the potential for growth by ranking just a few spots higher.

#2 - Get Found By Shoppers looking for Your Services

Properly managing your Google Business Profile is critical for getting found by shoppers looking for your services. 

In today’s market, there isn’t a single magic solution that can instantly get your business at the top of the Google local search. Properly managing your “Google Business Profile” page is crucial for enhancing your discoverability, particularly if you want to get found where shoppers are searching for your services. Mastering this art involves understanding Google’s language and employing effective strategies to achieve higher rankings in the local search.

Integrating your business profile page with quality backlinks, citations, links to your social media, Facebook and website can do wonders for Google placement when managed properly! This is one of our specialties!

Spring Special$275/mo. and includes our Customer Review app.

It’s no secret – The businesses at the top of the local Google search gets the most calls & sales!

#3 - Reviews Are Your Sales Force!

95% of shoppers read reviews BEFORE they purchase online 

 reviews are the most influencial force for choosing a businss..

COST EFFECTIVE – Source -The Financial Brand

Consider all the costs associated with print, sales efforts, brochures, and social media. Reviews hold greater influence, being over 5X more impactful than print ads, 6X times more effective than social media promotions, and nearly4X more persuasive than a business development officer’s pitch.

Stats show that 74% of customers would write a review if asked.  They love sharing good experiences.  However, I’ve talked to 100’s of business owners and they all say the same thing, “I ask my customers for a review, and they say they will write one, but very few follow up”.  

The key – It needs to be EASY for you and your customers.  This is why we built our Happy Customer Reviews mobile app. $125/MO.

Spring Special – Purchase any one of our products and our Happy Customer Reviews app and Platform is Included. 

Every Business needs Reviews from Their Happy Customers!



We are your local Web Design, SEO, Google Business Profile,
Google Reviews, Social Med Marketing Team

  •  It’s No Secret – Customer Reviews Are The Most influential & Cost Effective Marketing solution in Every Category

“When you consider all the costs associated with print, sales efforts, brochures, and social media. Reviews hold greater influence, being over 5X MORE impactful than print ads, 6X MORE effective than social media promotions, and nearly 4X MORE persuasive than a business development officer’s pitch”.

-The Financial Brand

Digital Marketing | Social Media Marketing | Facebook ads

Let's Try a Common Sense Approach For Your Business Needs

In today’s digital marketplace, all the geeks like to be cute and design software changes and talk over our heads.  When we built our Happy Customer Reviews app, I insisted that it be Timmy Proof.  I used my name instead of “dummy proof”.  I like to keep business simple as possible and talk the language of local businessperson.  My thought, if I want my team to get a review, It needs to be EASY for both your team and your client to use. We even trademarked the name – Happy Customer Reviews and are in the process of making it National. 

  1. Everything starts with a great looking website. Too many businesses show up on Google with no website or a cheap old website.  This is your online store, do it right.  
  1. Google My Business page is a great way to rank higher on the 1st page. It represents over 25% of your ranking.  It also is a great way to get found for multiple services by shoppers.  
  1. Let’s face it, if you don’t believe the news, why trust the advertisers? This is why most shoppers trust reviews as much as referrals from friends and family.  Reviews are your new referrals.  Shoppers trust what their customers are saying more than any advertising.  This is why we are including our Happy Customer Review app into any product you may choose to purchase.  We set it up and make it easy for you.

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